The QRisk Insights


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Protective Security


Investigations dan taylor Investigations dan taylor

Socially Engineered Theft

Socially Engineered Theft (SET) is now on an alarming rise in NZ as international fraud criminals are increasingly starting to target NZ, with targeted and thoughtful theft that relies wholly on hacking into our normal and natural human behaviours. How can you protect your organisation effectively?

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Consulting dan taylor Consulting dan taylor

Residential Security Review

A Residential Security Review is a service where a security professional comes into your home to understand the specific security requirements to make your most important assets safe - your family and home.

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Consulting dan taylor Consulting dan taylor

Scenario Testing Exercise

A Scenario Testing Exercise involves practicing the response of an incident (e.g. Earthquake/Tsunami, aggressive customers, active shooters etc.), through preparing for the event, running the event, debriefing the findings, embed learnings and continually improving to keep your workplace safe and secure for you, your staff and your customers.

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Consulting dan taylor Consulting dan taylor

Security Review

A Security Review is a service where a security professional comes into your site or place of work to perform a security review assessment to look for vulnerabilities in order to keep your workplace safe and secure for you, your staff and your customers.

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Consulting dan taylor Consulting dan taylor

The Security Audit

Safety and Security Audits can sound intimidating. What are they going to ask? How will the team perform? A good safety and security audit provides the information you need to make actual improvements to make it more safe and secure for your people and customers.

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