Residential Security Review

A Residential Security Review is where a security professional comes into your home to understand the specific security requirements to make your most important assets safe - your family and home.

Why Perform a Residential Security Review?

If you have security concerns around your home and the important people that live in it then you will want to do everything possible to ensure their safety. Simply installing an alarm system isn't enough and can provide you with a false sense of safety. A best in class Residential Security Review takes a wider holistic view to clients’ needs and tailors a security framework that is fit for purpose for your residential environment.

Burglary is an extremely invasive criminal act and the frequency of offending in New Zealand and Australia is staggering. It can be a crime of opportunity, or due to your circumstances you may be deliberately targeted.

Why don’t I just install an alarm system?

An alarm system is only part of the solution. Quite simply, it’s a reactive system. By the time the alarm has sounded the burglary has already occurred and the invasion of your privacy has begun. Of course it should form part of your security strategy, but it is only part of what should be a broader approach to your home security.

Which Residential Security Review Provider should I use?

Look for a Residential Security Provider you can trust. Experience and Trust are your main considerations.

This is more than just an alarm provider. Look for an independent provider that reviews your current state, and understands your individual circumstances and needs before making recommendations on what and where the specific security improvements should be made.

This could include making recommendations on any of the following; Alarms - Cameras - Locks and window latches - Dead bolts - Door construction - Passive infrared systems - Safe rooms - Personal emergency alarms - Outdoor lighting both white light and night vision options - Perimeter fencing - Dogs and dog training - Static guards - Security response agencies - Contents insurance review - Training.

Why is family security training important?

Training around your security system is important. What is more important though is to ensure your family knows what to do should it activate. Your immediate actions. If you travel regularly with family members staying at home, then this level of training is essential.

Family security training provides knowledge and increases situational awareness and this is empowering.

QRisk Residential Security Review

QRisk provides a trusted independent Residential Security Review in your home through understanding your concerns and tailoring a security package that fits your budget, needs and physical environment.

We provide a bespoke service from consultation through to installation and follow up. With our police background and the highest levels of security clearance we have the skills, trust and confidence that you seek to make your home a safer environment for your family.

Our 3 step process to reducing this risk looks like this;

  1. Informal discussion to understand your security needs and provide some broad based considerations

  2. Progress to an onsite security review

  3. Provide options and recommendations with client budget considerations

Where required we can progress to a project management phase that provides installation and training. Contact us today where we can discuss your requirements - confidentially.


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